Yes! My Birthday is today!!! Dx2 and I had an advanced celebration on Thur and I requested for the Bishan Chicken Rice dinner (yummy! yummy!) Dx2 was supposed to be the one treating me but this fellow did not bring enough cash with him! (haha...coffeeshop do not accept nets or credit card!) He ended up borrowing S$10 from me to buy the chicken rice but returned the money after dinner. (Aiyo, u tell me where got that feel good factor har??? Haha) Lucky he 'compensated' this by treating me Swensen Ice-cream as dessert after dinner! Ok lah... i pardon you Dx2 :)
Always a blessing to be able to have a 'Head' with Brain. Sigh... too bad that tho i hold a Manager title, I'm doing a role of a RUNNER! Haha... What to do in a regional team of only two person?? You can either be Head or Feet right? Haha... Unfortunately, I'm the Regional FEET! Haha
An impromptu decision to go Ikea and Anchorpoint right after breakfast @ Causeway Point. With only our ezlink card and wallet, we took bus 961 to Queensway. Man.... Luck was just not on our side. It was pouring the moment we alighted from bus! Haha... Very seldom i will go without my umbrella in my bag and we have to choose this day huh... haha... what to do?? Got stucked in the bus-stop for half hour lor :P